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Private tour of Sotheby’s 2022 Judaica exhibition

Members of the Harry G. Friedman Society are invited to a private tour of the exhibition for the 2022 Sotheby's Judaica auction led by John D. Ward, Sharon Mintz and Shaul Seidler-Feller.  The auction and exhibition will highlight an array of Judaica from modern masters of silver such as Ludwig Wolpert and Menachem Berman, and also pieces by artists of the Bezalel School, including a series of original drawings by Zev Raban for his famous Haggadah.  Other Judaica includes early and important Italian ketubbot,  Seder Towels from Germany and Alsace, and a magnificent 18th century Torah Crown from Italy.  Books and manuscripts in the sale include the iconic Haggadot by Ben Shahn and Agam, as well as an important miniature illustrated early 18th century Brit Milah (circumcision) book written and illustrated by the talented scribe Jacob Sofer of Berlin.

Anyone who wishes to attend should please RSVP to  by Thursday June 9th This is an in person event only, RSVP required. It will take place at Sotheby’s: 1334 York Avenue.

May 29

Elena Solomon, "The Embroidered Tablecloth: The Emergence of Judaic Imagery Within 1980's Jewish Handcraft "

September 18

Shalom Sabar, “Baghdadi Jewry and their Customs”