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Elena Solomon, "The Embroidered Tablecloth: The Emergence of Judaic Imagery Within 1980's Jewish Handcraft "

Jewish creators of craft produced unique homemade artifacts in the 1980's, identifiable due to their distinct Judaic imagery. These items include holiday themed tablecloths, with embroidered candles, Kiddush cups, matzahs, etc. and crocheted kippot with Hebrew letters, Jewish stars, and additional imagery. This talk will show the novelty of their craftwork. Earlier modes of domestic craft by Jewish-American makers will be discussed to contextualize the sudden appearance of these tablecloths and kippot, and analysis of the larger cultural and economic framework will follow. The talk will also analyze how this phase of traditional Jewish crafting was facilitated by new machine-made imitations of handmade craft, specifically mass-produced cross stitch kits, and by changing attitudes towards public displays of Jewish identity.

NOTE: this event will be both in person and virtual. In person will be held at Temple Emanu-El (1 East 65th Street) proof of vaccination and booster required. The lecture will be livestreamed for members, please see your email for details.

April 24

William Gross, "A Tale of Two Cities : A Spectacular Set of Judaica from Emden"

June 12

Private tour of Sotheby’s 2022 Judaica exhibition